Thursday, 20 September 2012

In West Philadelphia: Celeste

Creating Drama in the Neighbourhood: 

I spent the summer working for the Ontario Government in North Bay this year, and lived  with a guy who was renting a room.

This particular townhouse was in the middle of a row of town houses that was in the shape of an L. with this in mind, there are some residents who would sit outside and watch the world go by. They would sit, and smoke, for seriously days on end. I would leave for work at 8am, and come home after double shifting around 1130pm, and BAM. There are these women still sitting and still smoking, in the dark. I have no idea what they’re watching, I wouldn’t be surprised if they couldn’t see a thing because it was so dark, but hey. Not my place to judge.

The only thing that I hated about this, was that I felt like my every move was scrutinized, they never talked to each other while I was walking to my car, but would talk amongst themselves when they felt they were unnoticed. It was a bit unnerving, I mean – I can just imagine what they were talking about when I suddenly showed up and moved in to this place. And I obviously moved in, with all my crap and having them watch me to go to work every day. It was also weird, that in even in inclement weather, they were still out there and still watching, talking (and then not talking) and smoking. It was insane! 

Anyway, so I suppose it didn’t come until after I had been there a few weeks and they had seen me come and go incessantly, that the guy I was living with and I decided to hit up a restaurant that was just down the street. So, of course, I come home from work and we decide to go out for dinner and are seen leaving the house together and walking down the street in the direction of this place. And obviously I’m living there and so is he, so I can kind of see why this may be perceived in a certain way. So, while I’m still feeling awkward about these women and their smoking, I’m trying to forget about feeling uncomfortable about it walking to my car, and running outside every night and have them stop when I run home or leave the house to get groceries.

Anyway, so about 3/4s of the way through my stay in the North, Greg decides he’s going to come for a visit. Perfect I thought, I’m almost done my contract, it will certainly give them something to talk about when this tall mysterious stranger comes out of nowhere with an overnight bag. 

To my surprise, it couldn’t have played out any better. Here is how it goes down: 

Erin comes homes from work expecting Greg to show up in an hour to stay the weekend.

Roommate comes home from work, also expecting Greg, but because it’s Friday has made dinner plans.

Roommate leaves the house, waves good-bye and is on his merry way.

Not 6 minutes after he leaves, Greg pulls up aggressively and throws the car into park, and leaps out of the car in a fit of excitement.

Erin decides to run out of the house (in complete awe of these women) leap into Greg’s arms and furiously make out.

It’s at this point, that all smoking and talking has ceased and only the subtle sounds of the North can be heard. Greg then whisks me into the house, and comes out to get his suit-case later.

We go out for ice-cream, go for a walk and do other various annoying coupley things (and of course, being Friday night, Roommate is out having a good time with his friends.)

After spending the weekend, Greg returns home and I carry on my weekly routine as though nothing has changed, but have the sweet satisfaction that I secretly played these women who were making assumptions, and no longer feel uncomfortable about them watching my every move. That moment will seriously give them something to put in their pipes and smoke.

Celeste was my choice for this week. North Bay was a beautiful place to spend the summer – sure its far away, but I really enjoyed my time there. The sky there was really amazing, and so clear – the air was amazingly fresh. It was a brilliantly vivid place to be.  

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