Saturday, 6 July 2013

Tea Bags VS. Dime Bags: Rufous

I am drinking a tea. Not weird right? Obviously, I mean we all know I have a drinking problem. I mean, tea.. TEA drinking problem. Which is fine, damage seems fairly minimal, and withdrawal isn’t the worst thing I’ve experienced, definitely something I can handle. I like all kinds of tea, as long as it had stuff in it I like. For example: I dislike cinnamon, therefore I dislike teas that have a detectable amount of cinnamon in them. Outside of that really, I don’t mind. Unless of course someone makes Mustard Tea. Or Orange Tea. I hate Oranges. And Mustard. Bleck.

It’s only about real oranges though. Orange flavoured things are my favourite. Real oranges? 


Could you imagine steeped Mustard Tea? Gross.

I also thought about how much tea I drink, and the places that I drink it. And then I thought – what if I replaced tea drinking (at the volume in which I do) with something else. Like, sandwich eating? Could you imagine if I went shopping and stopped in for a sandwich beforehand.. and shopped and ate a sandwich at the same time? I would have to get a sandwich cozy. With a strap. To carry it around with me. If I ate sandwiches at the rate, and in the places I drink tea, people would certainly be offended. I’m also hardly a nice eater (I try, but I just wasn’t born to eat neat) so I think my disgusting consumption of a sandwich in weird places at alarming rates would turn a few heads. 

I have seen this image floating around the interwebs, and although I haven't seen whatever movie this is from, I do know she's a Brit, and it makes me giggle every time.

So, what if I  replaced tea drinking with Meth taking? I know, that’s crazy. And I understand it’s a serious problem, and real people suffer, and I shouldn’t make light of it.. but I have short comings too. It just doesn’t happen to be being addicted to meth. I made the choice to be addicted to something that was more socially acceptable. So, I guess here’s a warning for those Meth-Heads who are reading this (which, I’m sure is a massive number).   I’m going to talk about Meth.. and I’m going to compare it to doing other things, and my goal is that those comparisons are funny. 
Or at least sarcastic enough to appeal to some people. Most people. ALL THE PEOPLE. 

(Not to be confused with mAth heads. I hate math. I would rather do meth than math.)

Okay, so Tea Vs. Meth – here we go.

It’s not weird at the dinner table: I think that when someone has me over for dinner, and they offer me a beverage that it would okay if I said:

 “Oh, a tea would be lovely with my dinner, thank-you.” 

I think it would be weird if I was to instead say:

 “Oh, some meth would lovely with my dinner. Perhaps you could get me a belt or strap of some sort, or wait, could you give me a hand injecting between my toes before you sit down? Yeah, that’ll be fine, thank-you.” 

 Not okay. I think there’s something in there about not engaging in any sort of touching or action regarding your feet at the table either. Especially mine, they’re ugly as shit.
(See? Shortcomings.) 

It’s okay to share with your Mom and little sister: I think that when I spend quality time with my Mom that offering her a pot of tea isn’t something to think about too much. I mean, it’s delicious, it’s easy to make – and I agree that meth is too, regardless of your chosen method of intake, but I think my Mom would be offended if I said to her:

 “Oh, would you like a shot of meth? I’m just brewing some.”

 I also think people might have reservations about coming over if I were to offer the latter as a menu option – I also don’t think they’d let their little sister come over either. I like to entertain (I’m not good at it, but it’s still fun) but I don’t think I should be part of the entertainment. Or, if I am (which, if I’ve gotten into the wine sometimes happens) I don’t want it to be because I’m being arrested coming down from a meth high after offering to your little sister. Tea? A much safer, more legal alternative.  
It’s universally accepted in public: I say this loosely (I’m not really.. sure you can say things tightly..) because there are a lot of places that frown upon bringing in outside food or beverage. Sometimes it’s because it’s a restaurant.. and that’s weird, and sometimes because it’s a store and they don’t want your sticky fingers all over their merchandise. I almost understand both, but I never follow the rule. I have been to numerous restaurants with Tim Horton’s, movie theatres, bars and the mall/clothing store. I think either people see that I’m ordering something, so they should accept my business however small it may be – or they see the Tim Horton’s cup and realise that their product is far inferior to the great Tim and have no business suggesting otherwise. I think though, that if I brought meth in to a bar, or restaurant and had it sitting on the table, or were having it in addition to my meal, it’s not.. really a good idea. I also think if I were to stroll downtown while enjoying a nice cuppa*, people wouldn’t be too upset – they would think I was even normal (whatever that means these days), but to stroll downtown enjoying some meth I think might be an issue. I know, I’ve seen it in Peterborough too – I’m just saying me personally.

*Cuppa – noun,  A cup of tea: "a good strong cuppa”, contraction of “Cup of”.

It’s good to Go: I think about the times I have spent in the airport, and those Ion Scanners they have. No one is looking for trace amounts of tea. Or when you go across the border, and you’ve hit the last Tim Horton’s in Canada because you know it just isn’t the same at Tim Horton’s Abroad. So, I walk through the airport with a cup of tea (but only until a certain point, because then they make you throw it out or whatever) but I can`t say that going through the Ion scanner would make me nervous after an extra large tea. Extra large meth session? Yes, I think that would make me nervous. Or, going over the boarder drinking a delicious beverage, and having a conversation with the Border Guard: 

“No, Officer – nothing to declare.” “Are you bringing anything into the country?” “Yes, large amounts of tea. Strictly recreational use, and I might give some to the neighbours.” 


 “Are you bringing anything into the country?” “Yes, large amounts of meth. Strictly recreational use, but I might also sell some to the neighbours.”

It’s weird that those two interactions have a very different result. 

Also, I don’t think I would traffic in tea. But, I would tea in traffic. 

Few adverse health effects: Sure, tea has caffeine and that stuff is addicting and has withdrawal symptoms and stuff, but I think it would be fairly easy to quit comparatively. Also, if you don’t like tea, you just don’t drink it – if you don’t like meth.. it doesn’t matter, because it is addicting as shit and you can’t help it. I can’t see tea rotting the teeth out of your head either – nobody would look at you and say “Gross, I think she has tea-mouth.” I also don’t think that people would feel the need to consume tea in ways other than their mouth – I can’t say I’ve ever thought to myself “Oh, this tea isn’t making me feel the way it used to. I better start injecting it.”

People don’t get upset when I cook it: (Yes, I know the correct term is ‘brew’ – it’s strictly for joke purposes and apparently you aren’t okay with that.. how did you make it this far into it if you’re too serious minded to accept that I suggest tea is ‘cooked’?)  Anyway. I think it says a lot about something when I can just use a kettle to make some tea, whereas I would need a PhD in Chemistry to make meth and not blow my face off. And, when people came over and said “Oh, smells like you’re making tea!” and “Oh, smells like you’re making meth!” it’s definitely a different conversation. 

        Great, gender neutral gift: I think it goes without saying that Tea AND Meth make great, gender neutral gifts. It’s one of those gifts that keeps on giving. I mean, they’re both easy to wrap in a cute box, they’re both fairly readily accessible, you can share if you want to, fun for the whole family. I definitely think, in this category they are certainly interchangeable. I also know what everyone is getting for Christmas this year. Trust me. I now know some people who can help me out. (I think I stepped away from the point I was trying to make about being addicted to one or the other. I’ll try to get back to that now.)

Ov     Overdose: Sure, it’s possible to drink way too much tea. I’ve been there. But at the rate in which I consume it, I can’t say that I’ve ever overdosed. Or, I have and survival is pretty guaranteed. It keeps me up if I have it too late, and makes me dehydrated or whatever, but I can’t say I’ve had to worry about literally killing myself via tea overdose. Meth on the other hand, especially while used by rookies – can cause immediate death. So, effectively Meth = Death? A nice rhyme for the kiddies. 
          The only mug shot is on the cup: It’s true! I mean, could you imagine if you were arrested for selling tea? Or drinking tea? Or giving tea to children?! It’s craziness! Meth will get you a mug shot that is significantly less appealing than some cute puppies or inspiring words printed on the side of a cup. And for that matter, you could show your mug shot to your friends:

      “Hey look at this picture of this sweet mug!” “Wow, that’s super cute, and you took a ‘mug-shot’ – get it? I’m so punny!”
“     "Hey, check out this picture of my sweet mug!” “Wow.. you got arrested? For giving Meth to kids? Seriously man. You have a problem.”

Explain that one to Grandma. 

          I can joke about being addicted to tea without upsetting the neighbours: It's one thing to say as you walk into the house holding a Tim's cup during a polite interaction with the neighbour and say: "Oh, just getting my fix!" and then mock-toast them as you enter. It's a completely different thing to have a syringe ready to go as you walk into the house and say with a creepy smile "Oh, hey! Just getting my fix!" and mock-toast them with your hands full of needles and spoons, and other meth-related-things. 

       It's okay if the dog gets into it: Yes, I've seen dogs who tear up garbage, and there's always a stoner movie where the lovable pet gets into the brown bag of weed and makes a great scene out of chillin' out because he's all high n'shit. But seriously, if the dog gets into like, your tea stash, you're usually okay. I mean it makes an awful mess and stuff, but at least the dog's health isn't really at risk. Imagine your lovable pet got into the meth stash? 
         And sure, it's funny. But seriously, it's likely your pet would never be the same - and it may become severely addicted to meth.
Only takes once, you know. 

and finally: 

It's good hot, cold and with milk: Firstly, to those of you who are cream-drinkers disgust
me. I think that crap is just nasty and belongs in the back of the fridge where it can stay until I die and someone else has to clean it out for me. (and my Mom loves it, so don't think I discriminate, I still think her coffee choices are inferior despite the fact she birthed me.) Outside of that, having 0 experience in the Meth department, I think it's safe to say that Meth is the black coffee of drugs. You just ingest 'as is' - don't usually bake it into delicious brownies, or stir into your morning brew. It's just Meth. And, on top of that, it would probably be really gross with milk. Tea and Milk? a delicious combination of things.

So, I guess for those of you who were really struggling with which substance to go with, it's
safe to say that Tea is the ultimate choice. I mean, it's fairly inexpensive, most places sell it, it's hardly debilitating, and it's okay to have while working.

I chose the colour Brown, because tea and Meth-Mouth are brown.. gross.
Until next time!